News from Lilian Labs

What do the SensoSticks look like all of a sudden?
What do the SensoSticks look like all of a sudden? Don't worry, our SensoSticks still work [...]
The Golden Wave Innovation Award 2022
Double is better: We at Lilian Labs were honoured with two awards at the Golden Wave Innovation Award. [...]

interbad Innovation Days 2021 – We were there!
interbad Innovation Days 2021 - We were there! The interbad exhibition in Stuttgart has come to [...]

Meet Lilian Labs at interbad Innovation Days 2021!
Meet Lilian Labs at interbad Innovation Days 2021! Are you interested in our LILIAN system? Meet [...]

Measuring water hardness: This is why it is important!
Are your household devices still running? There is always limescale in our tap water. The concentration [...]
Lilian Labs at BadeLand Wolfsburg
Lilian Labs at BadeLand Wolfsburg Two of our LILIAN water analysis devices have found a new [...]
Sustainability at Lilian Labs
Sustainability is a top priority at Lilian Labs. Therefore, we give our SensoSticks a new life. [...]
#wirzusammen. Support your locals! Let’s feel united! These days imply extraordinary challenges for all of us. [...]
Lilian Labs one of the best startups in Lower Saxony
Lilian Labs one of the best startups in Lower Saxony At 04/12/2019 the Final of the [...]

Lilian Labs reaches final of “DurchSTARTer” start-up competition
Lilian Labs reaches final of "DurchSTARTer" start-up competition Lilian Labs has reached the Final of the "DurchSTARTer" [...]

Interview with production manager Stefan Klahn
Interview with production manager Stefan Klahn Welcome to this interview, Mr. Klahn. When did you join [...]
Lilian Labs receives growth investment
Lilian Labs receives growth investment Water analyzes simple, fast and low priced – the three founders [...]